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  • isaacismael87 11:02 pm on March 31, 2011 Permalink | Reply  


    Here are 7 possible items which will ensure an effective student-centred, personalised, higher-order-thinking lesson.

    1. Supportive classroom-peripheral learning happens in the classroom.

    2.Personalized learning-pupils are given freedom to engage in learning at their own pace and creativity e.g hands on activities,visual aided activities.

    3. Cooperative learning-learning with friends and from friends e.g pair work or group works.

    4. ICT based learning– ICT is applied as a tool or attention seeker.

    5. Feedbacks– feedbacks are gathered from pupils’ participation in the classroom

    6. Assessment– diagnostic test, intervention test, formative test, oral test as well as portfolio.

    7. Meaningful lesson– lesson should be meaningful through all items above.

    ————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Responses for previous entries

    1.Next:If you didn’t like group work, why did you not request to work alone? I would have given you the opportunity to do that.

    Then everyone should do individually and only one lesson plan should be required so that there will be 72 lesson plans.hahaha

    2. ICT needs to pair well with pedagogy to allow students to learn better. But since you have already declared that it wont be happening in the next five or ten years (so to speak), you don’t have to apply any ICT in your real classroom.

    : ) *speechless

    3. There are a few in your class who are perfectionist, who were able to create this. You might want to learn from them.

    I knew the fact much earlier.hahaha.Oh, how I look forward to be a perfectionist.

    4. I sincerely mean no offense.–I am not so sure from your “vocal” entry :)

    I sincerely mean no offense. I sincerely mean no.

  • isaacismael87 2:08 am on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: ebook,   

    ebook_who goes moo? 

    1. I don’t remember I created an ebook before. So, I had none at my disposal. Therefore, I created a new one. That means there will be no comparison.

    2. This ebook is about:

    Title: Who Goes Moo?

    Theme: Animals

    Topic: Sounds of Animals

    Target: Year 1

    You can have a look at sample shots below.

    the title “Who Goes Moo?”

    Teacher reads the question and ask pupils to guess the animal.

    The answer is revealed.

    Pupils are asked to make the sound.

    3. The similar pages follow for other animal. I have included lamb, rooster, dog, horse, duck and bee.

    4. This ebook can be used as a pre-reading activity. Teacher can initiate simple responses from pupils while reading this book. As extension to that activity, pupils can be asked to imitate the sounds of the animals.

    5. Language focus can be on vocabulary (animals). It is expandable to other animals.

    Thank You, Xie Xie, Terima Kasih, Nandri, Muchos Gracias!

    Below is the ppt file of the e_book.

    Who goes moo_ebook

    • shamymanic 2:42 am on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      i kinda like your title itself, “who goes moo?” I find it really interesting and i am pretty sure pupils would have fun learning the sounds of animals. Maybe the teacher can play the audio for the sound to make it more creative perhaps? good job mail! =)

      • isaacismael87 11:28 am on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        ooh..that’s a good idea..really appreciate it.

    • sitinurbadariah 10:36 am on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I would agree with Sham, instead of showing the half picture of the animals for the pupils to guess, maybe you can have the varieties of guessing activity. You might play the sound then let them guess for few animals and the rest you might show the half picture of the animals. The guessing part of you E-book that makes this activity interactive, good job!

      • isaacismael87 11:28 am on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        yes..that would be good..thanks..

    • Idzyana Mohd Dahlan 12:12 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      agree with shamy! what a catchy title! we can even adapt the content of your e-book by using different animals.use this moo moo as the guideline and then adapt it by using different animals. as simple as that rite! good job!

      • isaacismael87 2:41 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        yes..that’s true..it’s very user-friendly to teachers cos it’s so adaptable..

    • priyaahriya 2:14 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Hai Ismail, good job in editing your e book. I think your e book is very suitable to be used for the pre reading activity as it gives pupils a chance to learn the sounds of animals. Good job Ismail. 🙂

      • isaacismael87 2:42 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        thanks priyaa…
        but surely with the help of sounds9audio), it would be more interesting..

    • faustinaroberts 3:30 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Hi Ismail..agree with the others..your e-book title seems to be interesting..however rather than showing half of the animals you could probably insert riddles for the pupils to guess the animals..in that way they are indirectly learning about other characteristics of the animal..btw..Good Job.. 🙂

      • isaacismael87 10:28 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        the best idea so far!
        that would be very interesting..
        riddles make the learning even more fun.

    • Caryn 4:01 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      really simple and nice! absolutely apt for the year 1 pupils. Maybe the words can be arranged so that they to cover the pictures of the animals.

      • isaacismael87 10:27 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        thanks caryn..that would be good too..i’ll improve..appreciate it!

    • najwa elia 4:29 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      salam ismail,
      Good job, your e-book is very simple but very interesting and clear as all the pictures and words used
      are very suitable and clear. not crowded like mine.. hehe
      Also, one suggestion for extended activity is you can make your students write sentences on verb of sound of animals. Eg: The dog barks. Just a simple suggestion.
      Overall, well done!

      • isaacismael87 10:27 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        one of the best suggestions so far..thanks..really appreciate it!

    • aaronaldo 6:35 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      What an interesting e-book you have it here! Can I ask your permission to use your e-book in my future class next time? I bet you pupils will like it very much. Between, thanks for teaching me how to upload ppt to WordPress.

      • isaacismael87 10:29 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        no worries..
        glad to help..
        sure you can have it.

    • Mohd Loqman 11:14 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Good job my friend.very interesting ebook you have there.using your idea, maybe I can edit to do such as insects or vehicles…>.<

      • isaacismael87 11:59 pm on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        thank you..

    • syira 12:34 am on March 23, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      hmm…i had fun reading and looking at your ebook…it’s funny yet fun…hehehe
      u did a good job as the ebook you created is very interactive..Good job! 🙂

      • isaacismael87 1:06 am on March 23, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        thank you..
        yes it’s funny yet fun..

    • illinaishak 12:17 am on March 25, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      hi ismail,

      great e-book i would say. it’s different from any e-book i found so far. i’m sure students will like this to bits. by the way, agree with caryn, maybe you can consider asking the students to guess the sound first before simply tell it to them.

      i think asking them to make the sound will create fun learning environment in class, they’ll like it very much. try it, i’ve tried once and my class was very chaotic, but i like it! 🙂

      • isaacismael87 1:42 am on March 28, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        yes..that idea is brilliant..really appreciate it..

        of course, i hope pupils will enjoy it!

    • muhdnaem 11:18 pm on March 25, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      simple but nice. huge picture, clear enough for the pupils. and this ‘guessing game’ ebook makes it interactive. I am sure the pupils will like it. i love your idea.

    • siangshian 10:09 pm on April 10, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Super like this one! It makes you want to go MOO-ing together…

      Quiz for you, what do you call an unhappy cow?

    • isaacismael87 12:58 am on April 11, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      very easy choo…
      the answer is MOOODY


  • isaacismael87 3:45 am on March 8, 2011 Permalink | Reply  

    two entries at the same time.

  • isaacismael87 3:41 am on March 8, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: e-book, ,   

    Personalized Learning with Storybird 

    1. I had a chance of exploring a new and exciting tool! Thanks to our instructor for finding this cool tool.  Storybird is so cool because I can create a quality storybook and more. As long as you are creative, you can manipulate it at its best.

    2. Here are some clips of how I went through.

    First, I chose any art to start with.

    Then, I started creating story

    Typing out the story after adding new page to the book

    Finishing the story, save and publish the story for public view

    The story is completed and can be viewed/read

    3. Here is the completed story entitled James May-Blunt Mars and His Beloved Pet.<—can click this link to read at storybird.com

    3. So, how do I personalized this tool? Here how I suggest.

    i) Pupils are shown the book that teacher have created.(this can be done by viewing the e-book on screen or the physical book)

    ii)Pupils are told that they will be making their own storybook online.

    iii)Pupils are taught about the functions,icons and other settings on the website–>storybird.com

    iv) Pupils are given free theme and topics to be chosen but they have to make at least 4 pages excluding the cover.

    v) English is encouraged to be used and teacher won’t interrupt or correct grammar mistakes they make. Pupils are allowed to type and write at their own pace and at their best.

    vi) Teacher is there just to give support and idea but not correcting and giving instructions.

    vii) Pupils are allowed to create as many books as they want until they session finishes.

    viii) Random published books are chosen and read by their friends.

    Objectives: Pupils will be able to create an e-storybook(at least 4 pages) by using storybird.com

    Year:4 or 5

    Conditions: Every pupil gets one computer each to work in the lab and the internet connection is superb.

    • Idzyana Mohd Dahlan 11:52 pm on March 9, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      You created this story? It is quite a sad story. A poodle to a ball. Yet I am so fascinated with the pictures 🙂 Good job, Ismail! Btw, regarding your lesson I like this part where “Teacher is there just to give support and idea…”. Teacher is only as facilitator and that is actually one of the key points in PL. Pupils are not bound with instructions and thus they can pour their creativity and imagination in the stories just the way they like it 🙂

    • isaacismael87 12:31 am on March 10, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      thanks for liking it..
      agree its a sad story..
      just simply created it..hahaha…
      really not suitable for kids..
      but my aim was to give freedom and to let pupils’ imagination runs wild..
      no holds barred..

      • siangshian 10:20 pm on April 10, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        True, true! I think if I am a kid whose dog has been turned into a ball I won’t have the heart to kick it! Hahaha.. anyway nice one you’ve got there!

  • isaacismael87 3:00 am on March 8, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: games, , tools   

    Week of Millionnaire Games 

    1. Week 8 was the week of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire games.  The task was how to adapt this popular game and makes it appropriate for kids.

    2. I’d like to do post mortem on the adaption that we made. This reflection will discuss on the strengths and weaknesses in our own designed game.

    3. The STRENGTHS:

    i) The visuals are colourful. Attract pupils’ attention. The influx of cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse would do good.

    ii) The context of the award which was changed from money to candies could motivate pupils to participate.

    iii) The questions were created accordingly as we began with easy questions and ended up with challenging questions.

    4. The WEAKNESSES are a plenty.

    i) There should be more questions as four sample questions were not adequate.

    ii) There should also be few rounds where teachers should make the most of pupils to join the activity.

    iii) Rewards were attractive but should be more practical like grades/stars or presents.

    iv) The questions created should be more real and related to one another.

    5. All feedbacks that we gained were really helpful and useful. These feedbacks will be account for when we really come to terms with the situation where we could really apply this game in the classroom.

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